The one with the maiden braid/Heidi braid was a hand-maiden/friend and poisoning the dead woman the whole time in order to be with the males-the one at the head of the bed and the one with his hand on his face who is kneeling. The true person in this painting was the only one who did not live. #learnfromthepast #bitterjealousbitch #shouldastayedsingle #youcanhavethementherearemoreoutthere #chooselife #theywerestillmiserableandstillare #spellwork #idiots #noonessacrifice #godwantshumanstakeeve #spoilernoonechooseseveorherhumans
Notice that it looks like she is using something similar to a baculum or relic bone-likely for magic-and I believe this is actually the woman with the maiden braid mixing poison.
If only they had seen the future, right? #samefate
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