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And the Lord did say in the beginning, I am He.

Within the Biblical Cannon, four archangels remain mentioned by not named. There was said to be an unnamed archangel who descended to the earthly realm after an argument with God. These archangels are descended, not fallen, though they are still referred to as “fallen angels.” They left of their own accord and not due to disfavor of God.

While the archangels were not assigned gender, it is known that this angel was referred to with the pronoun of “she,” and was the only one of this kind. She stood at the left hand of God, while another angel stood to the right. The Lord God did send an archangel to retrieve her and this was the archangel of truth-Uriel, most likely also known as Ariel or Auriel. This is the angel that stood at God’s left side.

Now it was that in the first angel’s absence the archangel, Samael did see an opportunity to stand at God’s left side. And this angel’s twin, Michael, did, in the absence of Uriel, stand at God’s right. But, as time passed, God did command Samael to descend to earth to find the other two angels. As Samael reached the earthly realm, the senses of the physical realm made the angel feel what could be described as nothing less than “alive.”

When he reached the angel Uriel, he discovered the other to be Jophiel, the angel of beauty. Jophiel would not speak of the argument and insisted that she was staying in the earthly realm. Uriel was also fond of the realm and stated there would be no return. Samael, in seeing the happiness of Jophiel and Uriel did declare to also wish to stay in the earthly realm.

For this, God became angry and stripped Uriel and Jophiel of their angelic names. Jophiel begged for mercy and both angels were spared. Samael declared dominion of the earthly realm in the name of God and, for this, keeps the angelic name. Within the cosmology of The Goddess Aped series, Uriel/Auriel is given a “new life” by God as the lord of the earthly realm. At this time, Auriel was known as “A” (Ah) and the other angel, Jophiel, was known as “G” (Gah).(Note: there is no “J” sound in Hebrew). Samael continued with the angelic name.

After some time, it came to be that another being was seen in the earthly realm. As there were great legions of angels, perhaps in the millions, it was impossible for them to know for sure if she was one of them. God could not remember creating the being so it was said to be an angel and declared their name to be Zadquiel. In ancient Persian, “Zad” means “born of,” and the designation of “quiel” simply means “God.” From Zadquiel, humans would derive the names Raquel (“innocent” or “ewe”), Zachariah (“God remembered”), Zadie/Sadie (“princess”), Zed (“weapon”), Zena (“guest”), etc.

And as God was known as He, it was that Uriel or Ah became known as Ha and, Zadquiel would be known as Hi. Ha and Hi continued to refer to Jophiel as “Ga” and called Samael also became known as “Ca.” He rejected this and so they referred to him as “Sa.” It is from the combination of “Sa” and “Ba” that the region known as “Saba” would be named. This is also where the word “sheba” is derived, as well as “sabah.” The word, “sabah,” has many meanings ranging from “morning” (as in Morning Star) to “submit.” The use of submit with Saba is particularly interesting given that neither Sa nor Ba would submit to Hi or Ha. All angelic or divine beings communicate telepathically and they soon found that Ha was not understanding them. This being could not hear their thoughts though they could hear Ha. Of this God did open their mouths so that sound could come from them. Ba worked with Ha to develop more communication and one of the first words was “Ba.” The second was Zadquiel’s own name, “Ha.”

As time went on, the four discovered that Ha was not built as they were. This being had a different lower region than the others and was missing certain features that Ba had. Of this God did refuse to make Ha in the image of the other angels and declared that the being must be something other than an angel.

Over time, their names continued to change. Ha evolved into Ish. The word, “Ish,” means “man.” Clearly Ah was not a human so I would take this to instead mean male. This means the word, “Ishah,” means female. It is this tradition of name changes that makes the evolution of humans difficult to trace, as well as Gods.