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Within ancient texts, the forbidden fruit is described as figs, apples, tomatoes, pomegranates, and pears. An odd apple that I came across in my research was the Java apple. Depending on the variety, it can look like everything from a hanging pepper to an apple, pear, or even pomengranate. However, it is said to taste nothing like an apple.

Syzygium samarangense is a species of flowering plant in the family Myrtaceae, native to an area that includes the Greater Sunda Islands, Malay Peninsula and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, but introduced in prehistoric times to a wider area[3] and now widely cultivated in the tropics. Common names in English include wax apple,[3] Java apple, Semarang rose-apple and wax jambu. (Wikipedia)

Syzygium malaccense has a number of English common names. It is known as a Malay rose apple, or simply Malay apple, mountain apple, rose apple, Otaheite apple, pink satin-ash and pommerac (derived from pomme Malac, meaning “Malayan apple” in French).[1] Despite the fact that it is sometimes called the otaheite cashew, it is not related to cashew. While cashew nuts (but not cashew fruits) may trigger allergic reactions,[6][7] rose apple fruit has not been observed to do so.[8] In Costa Rica is known as Manzana de Agua. It is found mainly in the rainy zones on the Atlantic Coast of the country. In Colombia, Puerto Rico, and other Latin American countries is also found and known as Poma Rosa. (Wikipedia)
Syzygium aqueum is native to Malesia, New Guinea and Queensland.[1] The tree requires heavy rainfalls and can survive in tropical habitats, up to 1600m from sea level.[3] In the Philippines, it is locally known as tambis and is often confused with macopa (Syzygium samarangense)

Malay Apple-“It must have spread throughout the Pacific Islands in very early times for it is featured in Fijian mythology and the wood was used by ancient Hawaiians to make idols.” Wikipedia

This ties back to Adam and Eve possibly carving figures out of the wood of Lilith’s tree.