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Badbh-Catha/Etruscan Catha

There are three specific instances that will be included in my story that refer back to the Badhbh Catha.

The first is a memory of a male vampyre saying that I was one of “Catha’s.” There is a theory that theBadhbh refers to a specific individual rather than a kind or species. I would argue that the first word, “Badhbh” does refer to a kind/species, while the second word, “Catha” does refer to the individual.

At the time, I thought maybe this meant I was of the Cathay or tied to China somehow. Now I understand differently. It would also explain why not all vampyre can shape-shift into the same types of creatures and not all can throw their voice, mimic (kavka)or use their “second voice.”

There had been an unusual Presbyterian document announcing the birth of my great, great-grandmother Agnes Miller (Roe). In the announcement, her mother is listed as Cathy instead of Agnes. Now that could launch one into thinking anything from there was a typo to genealogical errors to thoughts about switched mothers. However, that announcement takes on a different context if you consider that possibility that the “Catha” claims motherhood over the chosen child from birth.

Second, I there were a number of years when I would go into a local Goodwill and a female employee would start becoming very aggitated and make her way to the back of the building. On the way to whomever she wanted to notify, she would seem panicked and  loudly announce that the “Bob was there.” At the time I thought “Bob” was an acronym for something but now I realize she could have meant, “badhbh.”

Finally, I once had a dream of standing in front of three people covered from head to toe in black feathers. It looked like a large/tall feather covered hat that extended down over their faces. No part of their faces could be seen. Each also had a long black robe of black feathers but no part of their bodies could be seen. 

Within the mythology, there is mention of a Morrigan named Anu. It would be interesting to find record of myths explaining whether this is a namesake from the Tuatha de Danann, one of their pantheon, or the goddess they worshipped.

This also makes me think if the Badb is the race/species and then the title is followed by a proper name, then Baba would be similar to Badb and Yaga would have been the witch or queen’s name.

However, that is not the end of the possibilities with the Catha. Again, we arrive at the concept of “pure.” In Greek, the word/name “Catha” means “pure.” As always, I would argue that this means unadulturated by human blood. Also, in the Etruscan pantheon, there exists a goddess known as Catha.

As I always advise, it is imperative to look at the etymology and development of a word or name to understand some its true meaning. With the Etruscans, we see words for their people that could mean “the scattered.” To me this could imply either a nomadic origin or perhaps ancient Atlantean.

In Latin, they were known as the Tusci (Tuscan) which would mean of the tusk. To me, this has unicorn connotations.


When I was younger, the term Badhbh was twisted to Banbh, or “piglet.” I was put in pigtails and rarely a ponytail. This is especially interesting for three reasons. First, the primary individuals doing this were humans. I can only imagine the fate they had failed to plan for me. Second, having werewolf blood provides a striking contrast to being called a pig. Finally, the pig was sacred to the Druids.

Perhaps most interesting, however, is the Greek goddess that holds the pig sacred-the good old human adversary of Aphrodite-Hestia.

The Welsh sorceress, Ceridwen, was referred to as the “White Sow.”

And there is a reference to St. Patrick having been a swineherder. This was also the term for a Druid so that would be an interesting history to piece together.


But this information is surprising given this reference in a book from 1894.

Another interesting note I found was in an old book on serpent worship. There may be a link to the Catha/Katha as a tribe. It could also relate to the Cathars.