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 Woman with the Mouse Tattoo

My ex was a huge fan of football. being 6′ 5″, he had played it as a child. At the time I was not feeling sports but we went to a Seahawks game together. As we were trying to leave, a blonde woman who was a bit taller than me stopped him in the aisle. She was holding a cup of beer and was surrounded by men who were laughing. She was light-skinned but had a tan and was wearing cut-off jean shorts and a top. She pulled up her top to reveal a mouse tattoo. The tail of the mouse went down under her pant line and she asked him if he wanted to see what caught the mouse.

While I cannot personally prove it (lots of people in the area got footage), it looked like the author of a vampire book series that was released around the same time and so she would have had money.

However, in my story, a similar character was a former prostitute and also has a criminal record. She had forced me to write a book series for her and a tarot deck that was always accurate. The condition was that the series had to match my life exactly so that I would know what happened and where to go next.

She decided not to do that to the letter so the deck was no longer accurate and the series could not be continued in any form at its conclusion. She lost all approval from the vampyre.

As a result, she decided to relocate to the Pacific Northwest and, along with her best-friend who had also worked the streets but forced me to get her a position as a property manager for a building I once owned. Both of them worked with others to harass my character in the books. It was her friend who conspired to have my car towed and worked to have the building were living in bought so we would be evicted.

But it was actually their lives that were starting to unravel and that would not stop until they were in the very same position they started in when we all first met.