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Mormon Church & DNA

The Mormon Church has stated that it collects DNA and genealogical information in order to save the souls of the dead, as they believe they can baptize someone even after they have passed away.

Given my past, the prospects of a church having verifiable genealogy and DNA samples from people is frightening (think inquisition or witch hunts). Or think of families that want to target individuals with land or power they wish to seize–like the Putnam’s witch wars against the Porters.

Now consider also that the Merovingian kings were said to have supernatural abilities.

If the followers of Joseph Smith are of the Merovingian blood (or wish to be) but are still human, their DNA testing and experimentation could be to try to monitor families with suspected special abilities.

From there they might try to transfer or somehow genetically alter their own dna (splicing)-a type of supernatural eugenics. Since the original supernaturals were likely not be adherents of the Mormon Church, one could assume that those with altered DNA would try to eliminate the originals and, thus, become the “new” “true” vampiric bloodlines. This is what I discussed regarding cloned hybrids on the VReal page.

While there would likely not exist the documentation to prove attempts to dislodge true Merovingian descendants for the Mormon “dupes,” there is evidence of the Mormon Church being involved in programs such as sterilization.

The U.S. military also warned personnel not to take part in the mail-in genealogical tests for fear that it could lead to people being targeted with biological weapons or even just being tracked.