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Spells For Forgetting

Fortunately, Witch of Whidbey was copyrighted in 2019 and was registered with the Writer’s Guild in 2013.

Her book has her going to a Pacific NW island and mine is on Whidbey. Both deal with magic and a mystery that involves a woman whose life is falling apart and she finds romance. This writer even used the names (first name) Dutch and (last name) Morgan.

Dutch Morgan is a character in my Mack Morgan series. My book has a coffee shop and hers is a tea shop. And she has a fisherman who gives magical advice while so does mine.

That is literally in my copyrighted material.

Her book was copyrighted 3 years after mine.

Spells for Forgetting is not currently copyrighted.

This author followed me on Twitter but never interacted with me or my posts. I figured that she might be a relation since my maternal Aunt Rosie (Milleria) was married to a man named Jim Leonard and that is the last name of my cousins. Still, she never said anything. Then I saw that the main character in her upcoming witch book was named Nicole.

There is also a character named Steve. The Steve and Nicole combination is fairly common in paranormal lit due to who the stories are based on in real life. Another example of the two character names sharing space is Steveie and Nicole in the House of Night series.

Another Steven and Nicole combination in paranormal lit can be found in Wolf Boy. Now it could sound completely delusional and self-referencing for someone to think all of these references are about them. I know enough about the people and back stories to know we were who the characters were named after, even if the stories don’t always match-up to our lives or what we experienced. Unfortunately there are lots of instances where the story does match-up and the names were just jumbled around.

As I have said before, NONE of my stories or life events are to be used by others. Authorization and permission is NOT granted.

Many tried, took their money, and ran. They never left the woods. Their actions will catch-up with them.

A certain famous manuscript half written in blood was my blood and my thumb prints.

Each of these other projects based on my story and life events or related to such is cursed and not simply by me. Covenants were reached and broken. There are ramifications. Many received those covenants as the result of intimidation, violence, manipulation, coercion, deception, etc. Those covenants are all, completely, and forever null and void as they must be entered into freely and by choice (meaning in concert with the will of the parties involved). Said covenants were not entered into freely. Any fame, fortune, wealth, status, property, title, talent, story, idea, product, power, or ability gained as such is revoked and reversed back to the original (true) source/owner.

Humans have NO authorization or permission to fictionalize or otherwise document, rework, or touch upon the events of my life or my likeness for their own creative/non-fiction works or gain. Neither do hybrids or my kinds. We are aware of the processes involved. Being a storyteller is an exalted position based on lineage. Each of us has a fate–a place and a role. I am the teller of my tales.

They have been warned numerous times and will receive NOTHING but failure.