Unknown & Unexpected
Around 2005, I saw someone on Ancestry.com looking for descendants of Alexander Ingleton Roe. I wrote to the woman (I believe her name was Helen and she indicated she was from Australia). She said that she had documentation that someone tried to defraud my great-grandmother, Agnes Roe, out of land and property. She said it was scandalous and they had the documentation. Then she abruptly wrote me to say that she had the wrong Alexander Roe. However, he was the grandson of a minister just as she said.
(I would be contacted in 2021/2022 by a man in Scotland who was researching Roe properties that had been owned by Agnes. He was working for the family of Alexander’s step-mother that were not blood relations with Agnes or her daughter, Esther.)
In 2006, a person began stalking my apartment in Reno, NV. The person tried to get into the complex gym where I was working out. One night someone jarred the handle to the apartment door and was pacing in front of the window. I watched their shadow go back and forth on the porch. There were footsteps all around the apartment going up to windows and a neighbor across from us had to yell at a man who was peeking through the bedroom window. I found a job in Washington State and I moved.
My paternal grandfather (Roe) and paternal grandmother both died in September 2006. His current wife also died that year. My paternal uncle died the following year and their sister soon after.
DKB-Deutsche Kreditbank AG was looking at my LinkedIn Progfile.

Another man from Germany looked at my profile and his name is Sebastian Arend. I had worked with a Betsy Arend at the SnoIsle Regional Library. There is also a Nicole Arend who has written a vampire book about, yet another, vampire academy.

Voicemail from Shanghai 11-18-2022 and 01-07-2023.
This was the second voicemail I had received from Shanghai. The first came from 323-808-4170
Voicemail from Shanghai
Receive a text from an Oregon phone number on 10-14-2022 and an attached photo. I have not heard from them since. I am not sure who the photo is or what it is of.

Driver’s License at Walgreens.
Shortly after my father died in March 2022, I had to use my ID to get prescriptions. A couple of days later, I noticed that the license was missing so I called the pharmacy and they denied having it. Once my father’s estate had been settled, I received a call from the Walgreens near 164th in Vancouver stating that they had found my license.

And someone breached my Twitter security. The only thing I noticed is that they unblocked an “occultist” from Ohio who claimed to not be a vampire and then started a church for psychic vampires and also claimed to be a demonologist. I regained control of my account and blocked theirs again.

I was in the hospital for nine days in 2018 and while on medication a man came in with a nurse. He said he was from my insurance company and needed me to sign paperwork. I was unable to read the documents. There should be footage from the security cameras or some written visitor record should they try to say I signed something willingly. I filed a complaint with my county at the time to detail what had happened with him and a woman who was in my room. It was my first night and I was medicated. She jumped on my stomach and chest. Then she dumped out my items and urinated on the floor and the items next to me. She felt as though she only weighed about 70 pounds–if that–and had long brown hair.
Then there is the woman from Toronto who contacted me on Twitter to say that we were cousins. I could not find any matches on the Ancestry sites. She said her name was Diana but she went by Nicole. Her last name on one sight was listed as Beach but on a screenshot she sent, she was listed as Nicky H. It all got a bit weird and then she abruptly blocked me.
Toni and Nick
Throughout 2022 I received a number of phone calls from home mortgage companies looking for a Toni or Nick. It seems they wanted to refinance their home in Hillsboro. The calls have trailed off, but they were odd.
Topaz Farms
One day last summer, my son and I decided to drive out to Topaz Farms to see a sunflower patch they had just advertised as being open. It was supposed to be open from 9-5 that day. We got out there right in the middle. There weren’t any signs directing us so we just drove toward the farm and around the back to see where to park for sunflowers. The only person we could see was a man on a tractor making his way down the road behind the farm. He looked at us but didn’t waive us down or stop us. I didn’t see anything indicating a sunflower patch or event so we turned around to leave. As we started driving back down the rode, a large, white truck pulled in and waived us down. The driver (later identified online as the owner) asked us what we were up to. I said nothing. He started to reach to the side of him so I began to push on the gas and roll. Then he screamed for me to “get the fuck back there.” I hit the gas hard. As I looked in the rear-view mirror, he was speeding up to catch us. I took pictures of his truck through the side mirror as he chased us and called my husband. I started to navigate us to the nearest police station. He did not stop until we got off Sauvie Island. My son was terrified. It made absolutely no sense unless they were one of the Ministry of Thieves and Liars who had stolen land or property from me. I had taken pictures of a plant some people thought were opium poppies, but it turned out they were garlic. I also doubted they’d have a full heroin poppy operation right next to where they had photos posted from a farm to table event. The whole thing remains a mystery and my son refuses to return.