Louis Vonckx
While searching my name online, I came across an obituary comment/post that I never made. It looks like the male was living in Belgium. Part of my family is from Belgium but I had no active contact with any of them.
Regardless, once I saw the comment, I immediately posted that it had not been from me. It was also written in German instead of Belgian, French, Flemish, or even English.
Within my story, I have a vague memory of an adult American female speaking to me on the astral plane and demanding that I tell them what to write–what “my kind” would normally say. I told her that I no longer had to help them and wouldn’t. Somehow her demands became threats. I am sure I would have included a tip-off of some kind unless they were threatening to kill or hurt someone. Clearly she had no ties to real people of my “kinds” or family–otherwise they would have informed her as to what to say without ever contacting me.
Obviously there is a person, or group of people, tied to Germany/Europe that are benefiting from my money, name, identity, or ties to me.
They are not vampyre, werewolves, or even blood witches. They are human, hybrid, cloned, and alien parasites.
They are imposters.
From memory, they are possibly tied to current/former Satanists/Setians/Luciferians/Thelemites or even pseudo-Christians. No one of our “kinds” should EVER cooperate with them or their demands. Fight them unceasingly. They should NOT be receiving ANY money, power, titles, abilities, inheritances, or property relating to me, my family, or my “kinds.”
Anything they took or received in the past will be returned to me. They will receive NOTHING more and anything they do have/received as a result of their violence, demands, manipulations, theft, etc.–this includes money, titles, credit, awards, attribution, designations, bloodlines, purchases, property, birth rights, reputation, worlds, universes, dimensions, resources, luck, fame, fortune, decisions, people, accomplishments, deeds, cash, stocks, investments, relationships, training, creations, entitlements, place, authority, power, names, abilities, talents, training, knowledge, identity, memories, history, lineage, documents, intellectual property, etc.–must be returned to me immediately. They certainly should not be receiving any further/continuing/remaining money, benefits, inheritances, or property (including intellectual) relating to me, my family, my heritage, my history, or my “kinds.”
These people were told to stop–whether taking by day or as thieves in the night. That meant physical property, ideas, traits, powers, abilities, health, energy, etc. They were informed that failure to stop abusing/using/harming/diminishing/plotting against/taking from me or my true line/love or impeding my/my true line’s progress me or failure to return what was mine would result in them all being ABSOLUTELY CURSED until EVERYTHING taken/bestowed/used is returned to me. Their curses, blocks, energy transference, fates, karma, diseases, conditions must be returned back to them in full and with the intensity gained over these many years. This is a “system” curse and not administered by me. The conditions must be fulfilled. Until then, every single one of those pigs, cowards, vultures, and human filth can enjoy what a real curse feels like as it rips through their lives and the lives of everyone they know.
Truth will be known by all.
#louisvonckx #imposters #fakevampyre #fakevampires #fakewitches #humanfilth #notcooperating #theyarethievesmurderersliars #theyarecursed #returnwhatismine #ministryofthievesandliars #nicoleanstedt #knowtherulesfools #blessedlives
As people can see, the comment on the obituary/memorial page is written in German. I have had quite a few people from German banks looking at my social media.