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Lilith & Eve

In The Goddess Aped, there are several versions of Eve’s creation. The first is that she is made of clay and given “breath” by a wayward “angel” who was actually a non-Angelic being.

The second version is that when Lilith left Adam, he came upon another creature that was living here. That creature was the “missing link” between humans and apes. Adam makes her in his own image by shaving her fur. She is later also associated with the bear and fox.

And the third version is that she was a hybrid of the wolf and a humanoid.

Whatever she was, she was of the line that would later become humans. It is also my theory in The Goddess Aped that Eve did not mate with Samael. Instead, she either mated with the offspring of Lilith and Adam or her own. With the offspring of Lilith and Adam, it made Eve the male’s stepmother. We see this same theme in the story of  Queen Hatshepsut. She marries a male that is her stepson but in her need to be chaste, calls him her brother.

However, if she mated with her own offspring, then that could explain the “biting of the apple” analogy.

A fourth possibility is that she mated with another male of her kind that she referred to as a brother and whom Adam adopted as a son to bring him into their “royal” line. It could be that Adam was encouraged by Eve to also have a sexual relationship with the other male based on her kind’s customs and this possibly caused him great grief. This theory is echoed in the Curious Creatures of Zoology by John Ashton. And the Hebrew etymological tree/chain for “wise” would also support this as “knowing” someone in an intimate manner. Eve did not bite of the serpent, she bit of the fruit of the tree-the tree was of Lilith/Aphrodite-so she bit of the child of Lilith/Aphrodite.

And Eve, having lived this long, simply erased whatever record there was of her species, hence the missing link.

Perhaps elements of all these stories have some truth to them, as does my theory. That the “apple” in this case is a seedling or perhaps the “child” of the original tree of life or Adam’s “tree”. Adam and/or Eve propagated a duplicate.  From this one or both of them carved other versions and breathed life into them via magic. Or, if not breathing life into then, there was a being on the tree or in the clay that had extraterrestrial intelligence and that being was known as wose (or wise). That being could have been as complicated as a serpent or shape-shifting fallen angel, but it also could have been tiny and almost undiscernible. This could be like a louse. It could even be that Eve and her tribe were extra-terrestrial. What supports the carved wood/golem story? The word, “wood wose” may come from “wode wese,” and this, in turn, may come from “wudu wasa,” which means carved or live wood.

What was their intention? To build an army to take over the earth and destroy the gods. They were going to be gods on earth. We see that from the making of an “anointed army.” The anointing in this case could have been with a sacred or magical oil or it could mean the seed of a god or blood of a god. In my story, it was the offspring of Lilith and Adam, as well as Lilith and Samael, that was to propagate the earth. The Bible was later written in a way to give humans the authority and dominion over the earth. The word of the Abrahamic god was at least one source of justification. Who were they after? Any not of their tribes.

How do we know they wanted to make that distinction or that there was a distinction? One of the root word, “(de) ghomon,” means “earthling or earthly being.” This would be contrasted with something extra-terrestrial or godly. The Hebrew word, “hu,” means “he.” And the Egyptian word, “hu,” means the “word of creation. It is said that Atum (Atom/Adam/Adon/Adum) spoke the word upon ejaculating.  This is interesting because it, in a way, brings us back to Vesuvius and Pompeii. Because their goddess of volcanoes is Pele. Her name means “stake” or “wooden pole.” She is said to live on Kilauea, which means “much spreading.” It is assumed this means lava, but it could also mean the seed of this newly created male.



Interesting that this has the same root as “chameleon” and “homicide.” Perhaps these beings were known to adapt to their environment and were not as they appeared to be. Also, it is telling as to what their nature or motivation might be.

It may have been the Mimic Dog that was the first young of Eve. It would lend credence to the theory that humans could only mimic greatness as they were only copies of the divine and not divine themselves.

Below is the depiction of a “wild man” with a staff that could be similar to that of the Bachal Isu, and a shield featuring a greyhound-like dog (galgo/golgo). Interestingly, it is Golgotha where Jesus is said to have been crucified.

And in the Epic of Gilgamesh, we have what appears to be the story of a vampire and werewolf fighting over a female prostitute (Eve) but then becoming friends. There is also a reference to a hunter and that the hunter and prostitute turned the werewolf into a human. The name of the prostitute is Ishtar Here. Again, we have inference that Hera is a human or something other than a divine creature. And in this instance, Ishtar is only said to be the goddess of prostitutes so her role as goddess is extremely limited. This would make her distinct from the goddess of abundance, fertility, beauty, love, etc.


The word “salv” could mean annointed. There are references to Adam/Adon possibly annointing Eve.  Together it could mean an “annointed army,” or “holy war.” This is particularly of interest given where Jesus is crucified. The anagrams include “slav,” and with an “e” added, “slave.” There are references of people and/or “dogs? arriving in England with objects around their necks as though they were slaves. These could be connected. It could also mean “annointed goose” or “slave goose.”

And if the goddess name had some form of Ana in it, then of course Eve would become Anat. If the goddess was Eva or Ava, then that would explain Eve.

If we believe the definition of Eve is “life,” then it is interesting to think of the Sophia Zoe as “Zoe” also means “life.” Backwards, “Zoe” becomes “Eoz” and this would likely be someone trying to impersonate or copy the name of the goddess “Eos.”

It is odd to me, however, that Lilith is seen negatively in ancient texts when there are two potential or standing kings with similar names. Could they have been related to Ardat Lilith? The first is Ilulu, one vying for the Akkadian throne. The other was Elulu of Ur. And the word, “ululu,” in Babylonian, means to purify.