A number of horrific events transpired for me in Salt Lake City. In conducting research, I found I was not the only one to experience something of this nature in 1991. While the accounts in the newspaper are more ritualistic and mine was akin to the torture and experiments performed by the Nazis, there was evidence, nonetheless, of something going on in Salt Lake City at or around the same time.
But why Utah and why the Mormon Church? In recent years, the church has demanded to be known as the Church of Latter-Day Saints. What is interesting is that the word “Mormo” is said to be that of a Greek being that is the consort of the goddess Hecate. While many believe Hecate’s triune involved her, Artemis and Selene, I contend that the second goddess is Aphrodite and that Artemis is not part of the Hecate triune. As a triune, they would serve as the goddesses of the vampyre, werewolves, seers and other kindred.
Legend says the mormo likes to bite children so there is at least some tangential indication that the she might be a vampire. This would make her similar to the Lamia vampire in Carmilla. In Vampire: His Kith and Kin, Montague Summers mentions vampires whose names are similar to the mormo: mormolikeion, mormoliki, mormolix, and moromolukiai, but not the mormo. It is believed that the term “Mormon” comes from “Mormo.”
This etymology reminds me of the word “gorgon” and Queen Gorgo of Sparta. Medusa was also known as Gorgo. She was the only of the gorgon that was mortal.
Mormo is also a genus of moth. This is connected to me in a slightly unusual way in that a great-aunt of mine is also named after the Zutulba moth of Africa. This could also be in reference to the Namaqua (Khoekhoe) people. There is even a correlation to Aphrodite/Venus through a KhoeKhoe woman who worked in a circus. This is not to say that we are related to this tribe or any of its people-simply that there is a namesake to a moth from their region within my family.