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And now perhaps the strangest piece from the past. Once my belongings started popping up online, I was checking Seattle, San Francisco, and Reno. This Craigslist ad came up in Reno. I recognized the clothes immediately. I was threatened by the man who had stolen my property that other items had to be given to someone to hold or I would be in physical danger. The clothes had been held by a fellow goth named Kelley. Here it was 30-years later and she was selling them.  What I did not expect to see were records that an ex of mine had at the house during the robbery, as well as stereo equipment from his house. None of that had been given to her so she had to have known the people involved and/or been part of it herself.

Then to top it all off, I see a photo of my mother and me on her shelf. Now unless Kelley and I have the same mother and had the exact same photo taken, I recognized it immediately as my mother and me. At the time my coven had said I needed more motherly love so they told me to find a photo of my mother holding me, put it in a frame and then place it somewhere I could see it every day. There were so few of these photos that the loss was significant. The guy who stole from me took this photo as well as all photos of my friends and family that I had. I was able to keep photos of people I knew before 1991 if they had been from Oak Harbor or pen pals. No one else.

I couldn’t leave this one alone so I sent off an email inquiring about the cost of the clothes, the records, and the photo. She did not reply.

I asked my mother what she thought of it all. She said it was in the past and to drop it.