Goidel Glass
Gael Glass was likely a woodwose or wild man of the woods. While they would not have had the supernatural powers of the fallen or descended angels but were likely shamans and practiced folk magic/medicine.

Now for those following my theory and story about the fairy in Peter Pan and Captain James Hook, this becomes even more interesting when you consider the Veneti people, those Gauls who may have fought the fairy kind of the Tuatha de Danann, were also known as the “Wendi.” One can also see the progression of colors used by this tribe from the green of “glas,” to the blue “Veneti,” and then to red. And the story of a human desperately hunting, following and copying an angel/goddess/fairy to be just like her. As well as the mate/son that Wendi sees herself as in the story when she both offers to be the mother of the Lost Boys but also hungers for Peter Pan. Yet her jealousy is overwhelming and perhaps was then set on also having Captain Hook. As we see in the evolution of the Gaels, the blue then goes black and Wendi’s need to ascend to Captain Hook and the fairy’s level leads her down a dangerous path to a dark and all-consuming magick.
But perhaps the most interesting bit of research about this will be included in my book, A Goddess Aped. Gayl is also an Armenian word for a wolf hunter. In this case, it would be a family possibly by the name Glass/Glas that is from Armenia. Armenia has a lucrative win industry so this could also be tied to Dionysus/Bacchis.

In combining Gayl Glas, there has also been some indication that these are possibly hired huntsmen-much like the one in Snow White, Peter and the Wolf, and Red Riding Hood.
There is also a relation to wood. So there could be ties to the woodwose, Eve, Ava, and Eva as they wanted to eradicate the line of Adan Adam and Lilith, as well as that of Samael and Lilith.
Of course there are the Druids, who worshiped Oak, and the Midyan people.

But another interesting option, and the one put forward in my book, is the Moss People-green wood. It is also relating to Lichen (Eve) and her helping to orchestrate what happened to me in my story. There are also elements of goblins, pixies, and even the Lost Boys who wanted Wendy to be their mother.